A downloadable game

Action game using mechanics of Soulslike games, created with Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints, using a modular, scalable architecture. 

Technical Details:

  • Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint
  • Camera Control using Targeting System
  • State Management using Gameplay Tags
  • Animation Montages, Anim Notifies, Anim Notify State
  • Directional Dodging
  • Enemy AI Combat using Behavior Trees, Blackboard, Enemy AI Patrolling, and Navigation Meshes
  • Multiple Attack Types and Combos per weapon
  • Stats System for Health and Stamina, including Stamina Regeneration
  • Sprint Mechanic
  • Hit Detection System with Reactions
  • Control Rigs and Retargeting
  • Animation State Machines using Animation State Machines, Anim Montages, 2D and 1D Blendspaces
  • Equipment Usage and Consumption using Equipment System
  • Item Pickups
  • Particle System for hit reactions, collisions
  • Boss Healthbar HUD and Soundtrack
  • Enemy and Player Character UI Widgets