A downloadable game

Unlock memories of the past by finding important antiques.  Secret areas are locked by special items from your past. Each locked area contains a riddle about the vintage item. Your forgotten memories are keeping you trapped. Find those special items. But there's a problem: you are not alone! Your monsters of the past guard the world. You must face these adversaries to free yourself.

This is an action/adventure game focused on stealth and hand-to-hand combat.

Originally created for Epic Megajam 2023.

Technical Details:

  • Implemented behavior trees for enemy AI. 
  • Leveraged existing assets from Paragon Khaimera (enemy) and Sparrow (main character). 
  • Utilized RamsterZ paired animations for stealth attacks and combat animations. 
  • Added custom IK Rigs for retargeting Mixamo animations. 
  • Implemented anim montages, blendspaces and animation state machines for player and enemy characters. 
  • Prototyped 4 levels using prototyping assets from UE5 starter pack. 
  • Created audio cues with attenuation, enveloping, modulation for music and sounds. 
  • Created animation notify states for collision tracing. 
  • Created animation notifies for sounds and special effects. 
  • Created components for combat system, health and item management. 
  • Implemented UI using UMG for player HUD, health bars and antique bag list. 
  • Managed item, puzzle information, quest items with Data Tables. 
  • Implemented Damage Type objects for main, strong, and stealth attacks. 

Controls (PC Only):

  • WASD: Jog
  • Space Bar: Dodge Roll
  • Left Shift + Space Bar: Jump
  • Left Shift + WASD: Run
  • C or Left Ctrl: Toggle crouch
  • E: Pick up item
  • Left Mouse Click: Main Attack
  • Right Mouse Click: Strong Attack
  • Esc: Exit game